May Give: Mother to Mother


For our May Give, we partnered with Mother to Mother to help ensure that children in the Nashville community have access to basic essentials like diapers and car seats. We are proud to donate baby and children's clothing to families that are in need of additional support.

Mother to Mother started in 2004 when the founder, Janie Busbee, recognized that there were many moms and parents in her community that were struggling to provide basic essentials for their little ones. She "knew there were people out there who would want to help, but maybe didn't know how." Mother to Mother ultimately became the solution to connect moms who needed support with those who wanted to help.

Mother to Mother: Image of mothering smiling and holding child

Photo by Mother to Mother

Today, they provide a variety of essential baby items like diapers, clothing, and baby gear to low-income families in Nashville and the surrounding areas. Moms looking to get involved can donate gently used items, extra baby supplies, or monetary contributions.

We are proud to donate our soft, organic cotton clothing to an organization that works so hard to ensure the children in their community are provided for. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit theirwebsite here.

Each month, Colored Organics donates to an organization helping families and children in need. To learn more about our past work, clickhere.