February Feature


Our Partnership with CAMBA, Inc.

This month we partnered with CAMBA, Inc., a non-profit agency that provides services that connect people with opportunities to enhance their quality of life. Colored Organics, in partnering with CAMBA, donated youth and toddler clothing to assist families in need.

CAMBA serves more than 65,000 individuals and families each year, citywide, including 10,000 youth. Their 160+ programs in 95 locations improve the lives of a diverse cross-section of New Yorkers. From homelessness prevention in Staten Island to supportive housing in the Bronx; from employment training in Manhattan to after school programs and college access in Brooklyn; from family shelter and support in Queens to increasing affordable housing across the city, CAMBA provides holistic services to help struggling New Yorkers stabilize their lives and become self-sufficient.

More than half of their clients are immigrants and refugees from around the globe. Over 85% of their families live in poverty. They're working to change that dynamic so individuals, families, and New York City communities can thrive and succeed.

To learn more about CAMBA, Inc. visit https://camba.org/